Milliways Mail order shop: Bedding plants bedding displays Advice, tips and tricks.





How to prepare a bedding display

First of all pick your ground or container, container really are a separate thing so ill be brief here how ever you can find a detailed selection of articles here. (link)

Bedding plants can provide a wonderful and sometimes instant display for summer or a special event. They last longer then cut flowers and can be more useful.

Smaller plants like Lobelias or alyssum to the front or fillers.

Taller plants to the back or colour stabs

Medium plants middle Fairly simple Stuff showier plants can be used in clumps to stab the colour like goditia, or calethea, you can also use perennials to add strength to you're display or you can even make a perennial bedding display click here for article.

About 1-2 months before you wish to plant this is what you should do.

Establish is your site any number of the following sunny ,shaded, dry ground, wet ground, windy, sheltered, warm, cold, then mark out the space you wish to begin working with. Then dig it over and break up to soil do a couple of times will you get a nice fine tilth.
If you have clay or wet soil add in some coarse sand or grit cheap stuff is fine. Work this in well with a fork ands rake so that its evenly spread thought the s oil. Repeat this forking over and raking out a couple of times over a few days.

Then add in some hums rich material but not to much. About one spade per SQM. Some soils are fine and don't need it, if yours is a bit week then do it but otherwise don't bother. (I would always work in some multipurpose preferably peat free into the soil. You can do this a day or so before you plant.) Always add a handful when you plant the young plants.

Next pick your colours and pick your plants.

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